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What are Learning Differences?
Learning differences are neurological differences that affect how the brain receives, processes, stores and responds to information. Approximately 6-8% of school-age children have learning differences, which continue throughout adulthood. This applies to children of at least average intelligence who struggle to acquire the basic academic skills needed for success at school and work. Learning differences do not reflect lack of motivation or intelligence. Some of the most creative and famous people in all walks of life credit their success to the perspective they gained from minds that see the world through a different lens. But just as left-handed people have to adapt to a right-handed world, people with learning differences need to develop strategies to navigate a world defined around a more normative range of skills.*
Attention deficit disorder affects 3-5% of children. Inattentiveness, impulsivity, and hyperactivity are common characteristics that interfere with students' ability to concentrate and learn.
What are the red flags?
It is important to remember that children display one or more of these characteristics from time to time, and this is common to childhood developmental stages. However, if you see several of these characteristics over a long period of time, you may want to consult a professional to determine if your child has a diagnosed learning difference.
Difficulty rhyming words
Trouble learning numbers, letters, days of the week, etc.
Easily distracted, impulsive
Immature social behavior
Difficulty following directions
Organizational difficulties
Difficulty learning letter/sound relationships
Trouble with math concepts, such as counting coins and telling time
Makes careless mistakes in schoolwork
Makes consistent letter and number reversals
Poor memory skills, often forgetful, and loses personal belongings
Poor recall of facts and difficulty learning new skills
Difficulty sitting still and constantly in motion
Spelling and writing difficulties
Avoids reading and has difficulty with comprehension
Struggles with completion and accuracy of homework assignments
Lack of planning and poor self-monitoring
Trouble focusing in class and on assignments
Inconsistent academic performance
Difficulty learning a foreign language
*The above information was taken from Hill Learning Center, Durham's website. Hill Learning Center is a leading academic resource for helping children with learning differences, and the program after which The Hill School of Wilmington is modeled. For more information on the Hill Learning Center, please visit their website at www.hillcenter.org.