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Student Writing

Tutoring Programs

Academic Year Tutoring

After school is an ideal time for new skills to be developed as well as
to reinforce current academic and study skills. Please note that our staff is not trained to work with children on the Autism Spectrum.

*Summer Tutoring Announcement: The Hill School will be hosting summer tutoring during our 5 week summer program: June 16 - July 18, 2025 Monday-Thursday. Times available: 12:00 - 1:00 PM or 1:00 - 2:00 PM. Apply using the tutoring application linked below. 

The Hill School of Wilmington offers individual or small group (2 - 4 students) tutoring by a Hill-trained teacher on site for students in grades 1 - 8.



Academic and Executive Functioning Coaching

Study skills, organization strategies, time management, note-taking, and related strategies for student success.



Direct instruction in reading, writing, and/or math (as directed by student need) using research-based Hill methodology and materials.


Sessions are scheduled for 1 hour, from 2:30-3:30 or 3:30-4:30, or 4:30-5:30 Monday - Thursday. Most students attend two days a week (Mon/Wed or Tue/Thur).


Fall Semester

September 3, 2024 - December 13, 2024 

Spring Semester

January 6, 2025 - May 23, 2025


Fees :

Individual sessions $75 per hour

Group sessions $50 per hour

There is also a $50 per student Materials Fee.


Sessions are based on an agreement on the number of sessions and schedule to be determined by tutor and parents. Payment for the first month of the contracted sessions is required before the program starts. Payments can be made through FACTS Tuition Management.


Applications are required for students who have not attended The Hill School of Wilmington. To fill out an application, please click here.


*Students do not need a formal diagnosis of LD or ADHD to be eligible for this program, but a general screening of academic and behavior issues will be conducted before admission.





Hill School Tutoring Staff


Elizabeth Barbaro 


MS Bank Street College of Education

Montclair University Special Education Certification Program

BS Long Island University

Certifications: Early Childhood, Elementary, and Special Education

IMSLEC Certification Level 1


Anna Brown 


B.S. NC State University

Teacher Certification NC A&T State University

NC Teaching Areas of Certification:

Exceptional Children, Cross Categorical K-12

IMSLEC Certification: Level 1 (in progress) 


Lisa Ramsey 


B.A. University of NC Wilmington

B.S. West Virginia University  

NC Teaching Areas of Certification: Elementary Education K-6

IMSLEC Certification: Level 1 

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Shelley Tuney​


B.A. Psychology - University of North Carolina Wilmington

M.A.T. Elementary Education K-6 - University of North Carolina Wilmington

NC Teaching Areas of Certification: Elementary Education K-6

LETRS Certified

Hill Level 1 (in progress)

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Karen Hunt-Maddry​


B.A. Secondary Education - University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Certificate: Teaching Diverse Learners (the first person from The Hill School to obtain this certification!)

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Missy Pretlow​


B.S. Education - University of Tennessee

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Christy Lancaster​


HillRAP Certified - Reading, Writing, Math

Orton-Gillingham Trained

Fundations Trained


Math U See


Science of Reading course


Handwriting without Tears

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Melissa Himes 


BA University of North Carolina - Wilmington

with a Concentration in Behavioral Sciences

NC Teaching Areas of Certification:

Exceptional Children K-12; Elementary Education K-6

IMSLEC Certification: Level 1 (in progress)

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Laura Schrader 


BA University of North Carolina - Wilmington

Elementary Education

MA Certification East Carolina University

Assistive Technology

NC Teaching Areas of Certification: 

Exceptional Children K-6

IMSLEC Certification: Level 1 (in progress)

CALP Certification (in progress)

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Anne Turlington


BA Salem College
MS Special Ed UNC-Ch
NC teaching license areas: LD, Gifted, BEH


Sarah Brintle​


B.A. Special Education UNCW

Outdoor Educator

Special Education Teacher

Yoga Instructor

15+ years in education

ALTA/CALT in progress

IMSLEC Level 1 in progress

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Lana Latham​


B.A. Middle School Education, Graduate Work in Gifted Education - Appalachian State University

Pencils and Notebooks

Sasha Wooddell​


Education: B.S. Communication/Journalism, minor in Photography - Appalachian State University

Teaching Licensure: University of North Carolina Wilmington

NC Teaching Areas of Certification: Middle School English Language Arts 6-9, Secondary English 9-12

AIG Certificate

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Megan Del Savio


B.S. Elementary Education (K-6) - University of North Carolina Wilmington

Summer Tutoring
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