October is Dyslexia Awareness Month and The Hill School of Wilmington students and staff celebrated by participating in several events throughout the month. How did The Hill School celebrate Dyslexia Awareness Month? Read below to find out.
Dyslexia Awareness Month Proclamation

On October 4th, as representatives from The Hill School of Wilmington stood by, Mayor Bill Saffo proclaimed October 2022 Dyslexia Awareness Month. The proclamation was made at the October Wilmington City Council meeting.
See the proclamation HERE.
The 2022 Dyslexia Dash

On Friday, October 7, once during the morning session and again for the afternoon, The Hill School of Wilmington students, staff, and parents participated in the 2022 Virtual Dyslexia Dash. The annual event was once again organized by the Georgia branch of the International Dyslexia Foundation.
To view photos of the event, click HERE.
Day of Dyslexia 2022
On Saturday, October 15th, some of our teachers, community members, and Declan, too, attended the Day of Dyslexia virtual workshop hosted by the NC branch of the International Dyslexia Association (NCIDA). The workshop was aimed at learning about the connections between the science of reading and writing as well as updates on NC DPI teacher training. The event also featured guest speaker, author Lucy Hart Paulson.
Dyslexia Awareness Month was created by The International Dyslexia Association and takes place over the month of October each year